Online Personal Training

The key to an efficient and effective exercise and nutrition program is to make it your lifestyle.  Choosing to live a healthier, stronger, and more nutritionally balanced lifestyle is something everyone should enjoy.  E1 Sport and Health has now made that possible with our convenient and cost effective Online Personal Training Program.

The Online Personal Training Program encompasses all that we believe in at E1 Sport and Health… Train Smart. Train True. Our exclusive E1 Sport and Health App (iOS and android) allows you to update your workouts in real time which automatically sync with your progression charts to display the improvements in your physiological processes.  The E1 Sport and Health App also offers the option to choose an easy-to-follow personalized nutrition plan to complement your resistance and cardiovascular exercise programs.

Each exercise program will be conducted in phases.  Each phase will be 3-5 weeks long and will consist of 3-5 different programs to include, but not limited to, strength training, strength endurance training, cardiovascular training, metabolic training, functional training, high intensity interval training, structural balance, flexibility, and mobility.

Every program will be catered to your exercise interests, availability of exercise equipment (no gym, no problem!), health and nutrition goals, injuries and/or physical limitations, and health history.

The time to start is now!

CONTACT for more information.